Set up

  1. Turn on camera

  2. Assist in the white balance process

  3. Check camera focus

  4. Ensure your headset microphone is working and communicates with the Director and tech team

  5. Verify signal to switcher with Director

  6. Be familiar with how to take proper camera shots

    Video Shot Poster FULL SIZE.png

During Rehearsal:

  1. Follow along during Worship Rehearsal to get a feel for the songs and get your best shots ready for the day
  2. Communicate with the Tech team thru the headsets as needed
  3. After rehearsal, assist with any final needs necessary for an excellent service!
  4. Attend Serve Team prayer at 9:25a
  5. Be in position for service 15 minutes prior to start time and communicate with Director and tech team you are in place

During Service:

  1. Follow the lead of the Director for your shots
  2. Pay attention to what camera you are on to know when they are coming to you
  3. Have some flexibility in your camera shots as needed
  4. Make sure your focus in is tact at all times
  5. During preaching scene, you need to all stay on the Pastor preaching at all times and keep him centered

Shut down

  1. Power down camera as needed and communicate with Director and tech team you are offline
  2. Assist with tearing down of equipment IF we are breaking down for the day