Set up

  1. Be in your place by 9:10 am
  2. Put on your Serve Team badge
  3. Get the 2 iPad’s designated for gathering new family info (without kids)
  4. Code to unlock the iPad is 0812
  5. Scroll to the right (Page 2) and click on the button that says “Parent/Adult”
  6. Be familiar with how the form gets filled out
  7. Make sure there are several 1st time guest boxes right under the tvs as well as Info Guides for guest to tell them more about the church
  8. Turn on all 5 tvs in the lobby (If you are standing at the glass doors, tv 1 is on your far left and goes clockwise to tv 5 on the far right). TV 3 (middle tv) should be black screen when you turn it on as this is the LIVEFEED from the Worship Center unless you see the LIVEFEED on
  9. If the other 4 tvs dont have a graphic up, use the apple tv remote designated for that tv and choose the appropriate feed for that tv.
    1. TV 1 - Coffee image
    2. TV 2 - Info Central image
    3. TV 3 - LIVEFEED
    4. TV 4 - Welcome to CCW
    5. TV 5 - Welcome to CCW
  10. If TV 3 has a stable graphic on it, grab the black remote for TV 3 and follow
    1. Click on the remote on the top right, the far right button that has a + sign on it
    2. Click to down arrow and then scroll left to “Source”
    3. Click the HDMI 2 to get the LIVEFEED
  11. Make sure the area of Info Central is clean and presentable with no trash laying around


  1. As new families approach Info Central, make sure and have a smile on your face to welcome them
  2. Make sure we get all the info filled out for them
  3. As soon as form is submitted, give them 1 first time guest box for their family as well as an Info guide about CCW
  4. Make sure to let them know where the restrooms are, kids checkin (If they have children), coffee, and Worship Center
  5. THANK them for being here and if they have any questions to come to Info Central or find someone with a Serve Team badge on