
  1. Make sure external hard drive is plugged in the side
  2. Open Ableton Computer. Password is cleaning1
  3. Make sure Audio console is on
  4. Once opened you will want to restart the computer
  5. Once it has restarted, reput in the password again
  6. Once it boots up, click on the CCW Ableton external disk file
  7. Then Click Ableton
  8. Then Click on Worship setlist
  9. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose the appropriate service Project (i.e. if today is November 13, 2022 you would click on the file 221113 for YY/MO/DA
  10. Then click on the file that says 221113 CCW Setlist (or whatever date applies to your setlist for today
  11. On the Click track channel, make sure it says Ext Out 15. If it says “Master”, just change to Ext Out and scroll down to 15
  12. On the Guide Channel, make sure it says Ext Out 16. If it says “Master”, just change to Ext Out and scroll down to 16
  13. Make sure the Mp3 Track channel 6 IS NOT highlighted orange. Should be greyed out
  14. On the Pads channel (Pink), make sure it says Key Bus. If it says “Master”, just change to Key Bus
  15. On the Loop/Stop channel, make sure the IAC Driver is in black letters. If it is grey letters, just click it and choose it so they will turn black. This activates it

Video Demo: