Set up

  1. Be in your place by 9:10 am
  2. Put on your Serve Team badge
  3. Make sure the Kids lobby area is clean and no trash laying around
  4. Turn on the tvs in the lobby as well as kids hallway if not already on and make sure each of them has the kids graphics up
  5. Attend Serve Team Prayer time at 9:25a in the main auditorium


  1. As families approach the front doors, make sure and have a smile on your face to welcome them and open the doors for them
  2. If you recognize them as having been here before, help them to the self check-in area and if they havent been here before, help them to the New Check-in area
  3. THANK them for being here and if they have any questions to find someone with a Serve Team badge on

During Service:

  1. Please stay in this area at least 15 minutes after service starts to welcome any additional families that may have come in late

Post Service:

  1. Turn off tv to prevent it from being on all the time