Set up
- Be in your place by 9:10 am
- Put on your Serve Team badge
- Make sure the iMac computer and Check-in iPad are on and ready to go as well as the printer for the ipad
- For the iMac computer, the password is cleaning1
- For the iPad at your check in station, the password is 0812
- On the iMac computer, you will need to open
- The “Mail” app. This will be needed to check for several things shortly
- The “Safari” app.
- Once you open the Safari app, on the left hand side:
- Make Tab 1 the New family guest check in form
- Hit the plus button and make tab 2 Planning Center people
- Hit the plus button and make tab 3 Planning Center Checkin
- Turn on the tv at the check-in station. You should see the graphic for the new kids checkin and if not, please ask for help
- Make sure the area of new family check-in area is clean and presentable with no trash laying around
- Attend Serve Team Prayer time at 9:25a in the main auditorium
- Look in the “Mail” app to see if any family has filled out a “Plan my visit” form. If someone has, check for their name. This means that have already filled out the info with a few small exceptions.
- As families approach New kids self check-in, make sure and have a smile on your face to welcome them. Ask them if they filled out a Plan my visit form online already.
- If they have filled it out, They are able to “Check-in” but we need to update in the Planning Center check-ins app each child if they have any medical notes that we need to add and also if there is someone that is NOT authorized to pick up the child(ren).
- If they have NOT filled one out, we will need to do the following or text ccwguest to 94000 on their mobile device or scan the QR code on the kids screens:
- Fill out New Guest form
- Update if there is anyone NOT authorized to pick up the child(ren)
- If a family wants to add someone to their current profile:
- Log onto Planning Center People
- Type in the adult name
- Add the additional child and then open Planning Center Checkin and add in any medical notes and if anyone IS NOT authorized to pick up the child(ren)
- After the info is filled out, to speed things up you can open the Checkins app on the iPad, type in the last name or phone number and then check the child(ren) in which will print their tags and then pass them to the floater to take to their appropriate room(s).
- THANK them for being here and if they have any questions to find someone with a Serve Team badge on
During Service: