Set up
- Be in your place by 9:10 am
- Put on your Serve Team badge
- Make sure the Self Check-in iPads are all on and on the screen for someone to input their cell
- Be familiar with how to self check-in the kids
- Cell # gets input
- The family should show up and then choose which children to check-in. If there are other children who don’t appear on this list, you will need to direct them to the New Family check-in to add them to the household and then start the process over. If there is a guest child with the family, follow these same steps to be input at the new family area
- Turn on the tv at the self check-in station. You should see the graphic for the kids checkin and if not, please ask for help
- Make sure the area of kids self check-in area is clean and presentable with no trash laying around
- Attend Serve Team Prayer time at 9:25a in the main auditorium
- As families approach Kids self check-in, make sure and have a smile on your face to welcome them
- Make sure we help them input the cell and check them in ESPECIALLY if they have children in their arms and diaper bags
- Each child will get a badge and if the children are young enough, they will get a diaper bag badge. The parent will receive 1 security tag. Please remind the parents to bring this tag back to pick up their children
- THANK them for being here and if they have any questions to find someone with a Serve Team badge on
During Service:
- Kids self check-in station needs to be open at least 15 minutes after service starts to welcome any additional families that may have come in late
Post Service:
- Turn off tv to prevent it from being on all the time