Set up

  1. Be in your place by 9:10 am
  2. Put on your Serve Team badge
  3. Be familiar with the new family packet (COMING SOON)
  4. Be familiar with the all of these as you are overflow for each of these as needed:

Kids Self Check-in

Kids Greeter

Kids New Family Check-in

  1. Attend Serve Team Prayer time at 9:25a in the main auditorium


  1. As families enter the kids area, make sure and have a smile on your face to welcome them
    1. Your primary focus is NEW FAMILIES that check in and:
      1. Give them the New Family packet and explain what is in it (COMING SOON)
      2. Walk them to the appropriate classroom(s) for their children and introduce them to their teachers
      3. Make sure and let them know to bring their security badge back to pick up their children after church
      4. Get them their New Family gift from Info Central
      5. THANK them for being here and if they have any questions to find someone with a Serve Team badge on
  2. If no new families, help at the Kids Greeter and/or Kids self check-in area to speed up the process for the families

During Service:

  1. Kids floater needs to stay at least 15 minutes after service starts to welcome any additional families that may have come in late

Post Service:

  1. Clean up as necessary to help the rest of the team